Autonomous inspections, expert analysis, prioritized service

With TireSight autonomous tire inspections, mines can keep trucks running safely and productively, and get the best performance from their tires.

Tire Inspections Leaving Nothing to Chance

TireSight integrates the thermal imaging camera and AI software of with TOMS (Tire & Operations Management System), to quickly identify and react to tire-related issues that could go unnoticed, such as:

  • Hot tires
  • Tread damage
  • Belt separation

With work orders automated by TOMS and validated by condition monitoring experts, fleet planning teams can quickly make decisions that reduce risk and downtime.

More uptime. More safety. More tire life.

  • Technicians focus on tires that need their expertise, reducing exposure to trucks
  • Frequent inspections identify tire issues early, supporting proactive maintenance that prolongs tire life and improves uptime
  • Consistent findings and recommendations ensure high safety standards and operational efficiency
  • Automated work orders ensure critical and priority issues are addressed when needed, reducing truck isolation time for hot tire events to zero hours


Bringing Customers Only the Targeted, Actionable Items that Matter Most

TireSight has been carefully structured to reduce the volume of alerts and only flag issues that really require action—allowing inspectors to focus on tire work that needs their expertise, and allowing customers to focus on critical issues and the big picture.

Data sources such as and TPMS stream into TOMS, which automates work orders that are validated by 24/7 condition monitoring teams. Site service teams perform maintenance and repairs, and our reliability analysts work with customers to determine goals for tire performance and truck productivity as well as agreed parameters. Now, actionable summaries are at your fingertips while TireSight and our tire experts work to maintain safety and operational efficiency.

How TireSight Accelerates Inspections, Proactive Tire Work & Haul Truck Productivity

Discover how the AI, automations and collaboration within TireSight seamlessly enhance fleet use, safety and tire life.

Get in Touch

Learn more about how our mining tire expertise and innovation can drive fleet availability, sustainability and safety for your operations.